By: Padmanabha("PSB") Bhatta

We often talk to our teams about the “Mokxa Spirit”. What is the Mokxa spirit?
Wanting to create a different kind of company, our founders conceptualized Mokxa on the essence of the Sanskrit word “Moksha” for liberation or the Latin word “Excelsior” for ‘ever upwards’, or ‘even higher’. Thus, at the core of the Mokxa Spirit is the penchant for excellence, premium quality and boundless innovation. When it comes to putting the 'Mokxa Spirit' to practice, I would like to think of it along the three pillars – Boundlessness, Hybrid Thinking and Game Changing Mindset.

Boundlessness comes from the very essence of excelsior which in our everyday context personifies the passion to excel with the sense of empowerment, enlightenment, liberation and release of oneself, an ambiance that Mokxa strives to provide to the employees on a daily basis. We live this aspect through an open, non-hierarchical culture and allowing every employee “find their Mokxa” or their passion. Boundlessness is also founded on love, love for all of our stakeholders – customers, employees and partners.
Hybrid Thinking emanates from the belief that solutions to business problems are multi-dimensional and need both the “left brain” and the “right brain” thinking. Mix a bit of art, creativity, love, empathy, leadership, accountability and resourcefulness to the analytically and technically sound solutions - there you have our recipe for meaningful solutions for our beloved clients!

Hybrid Thinking
In order to respond to the needs of the businesses today, traditional, one-dimensional, sequential mindset doesn’t cut it. This is where the game-changing mindset comes in. This mindset is to think from an unconstrained perspective, to do more with less and maximize value and produce game-changing solutions. The principles of boundlessness and hybrid thinking are foundational to the game-changing mindset.
The Mokxa spirit is a way of life for us to unleash the fullest potential of each of our stakeholders – employees, partners and customers. It not only provides us a framework or “true-north” to live by, but it also helps us set expectations for ourselves to meaningfully contribute value.
We will deep dive further into ‘Living the Mokxa Spirit’ in future editions.
Padmanabha("PSB") is the Head of Operations at Mokxa.