Industry: Healthcare & Insurance | Theme: Legacy System Transformation

Spreadsheet-free Modernization: Simplifying 'Rate Sheets' Management with low-code Joget
Key Takeaways
Break free from spreadsheets in 6 weeks
75% productivity boost. 10x faster Rate Sheets creation since live.
50% less work for data entries, calculations, and data analysis
Instant access to Exec Dashboards; View, approve, and download Rate Sheets On-the-fly
100% Rate Sheets transparency. Secured with version controls, role-based access and audit trails


'Rate Sheets' management is a workflow to generate detailed financial sheets to generate detailed financial sheets for funds distributions to healthcare sub-entities (like premiums, broker commissions, etc)
This requires the extensive use of spreadsheets (MS Excel) for various administrative & analytical tasks, such as data entry, performing calculation with formulas, data analytics, and more.
Despite maximizing the capabilities of spreadsheets, Allied Benefit Systems still faced significant limitations inherent to manual processes:
Inefficient data management
Cumbersome and error-prone administration tasks
Ineffective Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and deadline tracking.
No version controls & change management logs causing process breakdown
Lack of data-based analytics and decision support
Mokxa collaborated with citizen developers from Allied Benefit Systems to build a modernized 'Rate Sheets Management Solution', demonstrating optimal resource utilization for an innovative, cost effective business solution delivery in just six weeks.
Built on Joget, the solution simplifies business processes that are pertaining to the financial & analytical aspects of premiums distributions and management.
Complex financial formulas and policies are baked into the design, automating financial compliance, ensuring data integrity.
User friendly dashboards helped executives at Allied Benefit Systems to easily access meaningful data for effective analysis and decision-making.
Breaking free from spreadsheets, business users were able to instantly adopt the business solution to manage financial sheets, achieving a record-breaking 10x faster Rate Sheets creation.
50% time savings for data entries through automated processes, templatized forms and customizable reports - freeing up the team to focus on creative tasks.
Instant access to pending action items enabling key stakeholders to view, approve, and download Rate Sheets on-the-fly.
Reduced human errors through validation-checks that were in place, allowing Allied Benefit Systems to scale with lesser risks and fewer variables.
Enabled effective, secured cross department collaboration via version controls, role-based access, and change management with audit trails

Hybrid Thinkers, Game Changing Solutions.
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