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Industry: Government  |   Document Builder Solution

Vote Absentee Virginia Logo (1).jpg

Automated PDF Population & Generation for Absentee Balloting Requests

Key Takeaways


Self-service E-Form to apply for absentee ballots without portal logins


Rapid development & deployment in 1 week


Built-in identity validation of voters


Automated data population on customized PDF template


100% mobile-ready. Scalable

for nationwide use.


  • Vote Absentee Virginia is a not-for-profit organization based out of Falls Church, Virginia.

  • With the increasing demand for accessible and secure voting, they introduced eAbsentee to allow voters to apply for absentee ballots with ease.

  • However, their prior website struggled to efficiently manage eAbsentee tasks, primarily due to resource constraints and performance issues on high-code development.

  • This leads to the needs for a simple and scalable platform to effectively implement and manage the applications of absentee ballots in a cost-effective way.


Partnering with Vote Absentee Virginia, Mokxa built and deployed the eAbsentee Portal on Joget within a week. The solution offers:

  • Hassle-free process to request absentee ballots without logging into portal.


  • Automated PDF population of voter's data into specific spots and fields on the request form, including letters, numbers, checkboxes, etc.

  • Error-free, instant PDF generation on the original template provided by Vote Absentee Virginia.


  • Built-in validation on digital form ensured voters’ information (like Identity Number, birth year, ZIP codes, phone number) are submitted in the right format.

  • Automated PDF delivery to both applicant and the relevant county officers through emails, acknowledging each request submissions.

  • 100% mobile ready. Scalable for nationwide use.


Since live, the solution empowered Vote Absentee Virginia in several impactful ways:

  • Enabled user-friendly E-Form for requestors to submit absentee ballot requests in a few button clicks.

  • Voter’s information like their identities, contact details, address change, signature, etc. are accurately displayed on PDF forms without any modification to the original template. 


  • Efficiency gains in the electoral system. Automated PDF generation and distribution saves time and reduces administrative costs.


  • Email notification and PDF records on a single ecosystem promote transparency and accountability, which can be valuable in resolving disputes or verifying information.

  • Increased accessibility and convenience. A simplified absentee ballot request process boosts voter turnout.

  • Dashboards with real-time metrics helped election officials to track request status and measure election’s campaign performance for data-driven decision making.

  • Next up, Vote Absentee Virginia planned to scale up Joget for similar use case implementations at other Public Offices across the U.S.

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Hybrid Thinkers, Game Changing Solutions.



Contact Us

7230 Lee Deforest Drive
Suite 107
Columbia, MD 21046

877-37-MOKXA (376 - 6592)

Dubai Silicon Oasis
Unit 101, DDP-IFZA, Building A2 

Dubai, UAE

+971 52 9031856

© 2023 Mokxa Technologies LLC

eAbsentee Virginia Screenshot.png
Automated 'Check Box' based on condition entered on the front-end E-Form
'Letters' population on specific fields based on the information submitted by voters
'Numbers' populated at specific 'spots' on the PDF form
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